Friday, June 27, 2008

But, What Could I Do?

A lot, matter your location, physical capabilities or level of income.

In fact, if you are able to read these words right now, online, then rest assured that there truly is a place for you to actively volunteer your inner talents and resources to better this world we live in.


1. Click on any number of the links posted here under Love these...

2. Google "Virtual Volunteer" or "Online Volunteer" for links to a multitude of online volunteer service opportunities.

Just a few ideas here, for now...why? Because...we work better as a whole, I'd love to know your thoughts regarding Virtual Volunteering as well...let's start today by making an online difference.

1 comment:

  1. We do work better as a whole. A lot of little people working together to make positive changes in the way the world views each other.

    Working through your links!
