Friday, July 4, 2008

Many Prayers Needed 4 my Small Town

In this notoriously safe small town of mine, yesterday, right during a very LOUD thunderstorm, the jewelry store downtown was robbed, the owner as well as a 77 year old customer were both murdered, shot execution style in the back of the head, the robber or robbers have yet to be caught...

Here's a link to the story...

Hard to believe, the man was a saint, he had a big golden retriever that he brought in to work with him everyday, thus our frequent visits due to my daughters love affair with the dog...he was always so excited to see the girls, always remembered their names...such a terrible tragedy, hard to digest.

The girl in the photo and daughter of the store owner who found them, Stacey, is friend of mine, our daughters have played together numerous times and she lives just a few blocks from me...

I just wondered if maybe the internet could please help find these or this monster that committed this horrific crime.

1 comment:

  1. I just read the news articles on the robbery...I am blown away. I am so truly sorry that is happened and your friend and neighborhood are suffering.
    I read where there was a bank robbery earlier, no arrests; could this be the same people/person? During a loud thunderstorm? Sounds like that was planned. What a shame. Please know God sends the Comforter to those that are hurting. He knows why we cry and cries with us. I am here if you want to talk or vent. Prayers and love to all of you there.
