Monday, August 18, 2008

Garden for the Missing

109,000 people around the United States have vanished without a trace. Can you help? Garden for the Missing is a location within Second Life (a popular interactive 3D virtual world) which displays missing persons posters to thousands of Second Life residents.

The main location is at the Remora region (think of a region as a sort of city, and Second Life like a country). The Garden for the Missing contains over 170 posters of missing persons. We also have a garden located at the Aloft Nonprofit Commons region.

We invite you to visit these locations! Stop by and read the stories of the missing, enjoy the virtual beach and rooftop gardens, tell your friends and help raise awareness for these souls. All missing persons posters are clickable so that you can read more about their disappearances. The photos of missing persons are sourced from a range of US-based organizations including Project Jason, The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, The National Center for Missing Adults, and BeyondMissing.

You can visit the garden at and if you are not a member of Second Life, you will need to download the program and sign up. It is free to join!

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