Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Model Search and Rescue Agency, MiBSAR, offers free assistance getting cases listed on

On select, missing-person cases—particularly cold cases in remote, wilderness areas of Northern Michigan—MiBSAR's special ops SAR team may be able to bring a wide range of investigative resources and assets to bear on an investigation:

• Long-term, long-range operations up to 10 days
     in duration without resupply or support

  • All-season operations: winter, spring,
    summer, and fall 

  • All-weather, rain-or-shine operations, 
    including arctic conditions down to ambient
    temps of minus 40° Fahrenheit

  • Remote, off-trail operations in challenging,
inhospitable, wilderness regions 

  • Fully-equipped and provisioned operations
    by foot, snowshoe, ski, mountain bike, or canoe

  • Aerial searches with squadrons from the 
    Michigan Wing of the Civil Air Patrol.

  • Collaborative operations with local SAR teams,
    crime lab field teams, and multi-jurisdiction
    SAR task forces and strike forces

  • K-9 team deployment and field support

  • Scuba diver deployment

  • Backcountry investigations, interviews, crime
    scene processing, forensic evidence collection,
    and confidential, detailed, evidence-seized reports

  • Forensic evidence analysis at Michigan State
    Police Forensic Science Laboratories and the
    FBI's Laboratory in Quantico, Virginia

  • Forensic computer & digital media examinations

  • Internet investigations

  • Missing-person Web sites and Internet blogs

  • Assistance getting cases listed in the FBI's 
    National Crime Information Center
 (NCIC) system
    and National Missing Person DNA Database
    (NMPDD) as well as the DOJ's National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

  • Covert psychological operations (PSYOPS)

  • Graphic design and digital distribution 
    of large-format, full-color, missing-person posters

  • All services provided pro bonofree of charge

To learn more about the free, special ops SAR team services MiBSAR offers, visit:
  • MiBSAR's special ops SAR Team Services page


If you want happiness for an hour,
...take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day,
...go fishing.
If you want happiness for a year,
...inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime, someone else.
—Ancient Chinese proverb






The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) was created to meet the challenges involved in investigating and solving missing person and unidentified cases. NamUs brings together two online searchable databases: records on unidentified human remains and information on missing persons.


  1. I didn't know they do online investigations also. My friends blog has been missing.I will advice him to contact MiBSAR.

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