Thursday, July 9, 2009

Seeking the Missing Among the Homeless

Project Jason's Come Home Program:

Come Home Program

Seeking the Missing Among the Homeless

Come Home is a unique national missing person's locator program sponsored by Project Jason. Come Home posters are placed at homeless shelters, soup kitchens, and other locations where homeless persons gather. Project Jason has a growing database of these shelters and related organizations. Twice per month, a new poster is produced and this information relayed via email to Come Home participants nationwide.

There are an estimated 3.5 million people in the United States who experience homelessness each year. People may become homeless for varied reasons, which include mental illness, addictions, domestic abuse, poverty, trauma, and lack of affordable housing.

Project Jason's mission statement includes creating and increasing public awareness of missing persons. With an estimated 850,000 new cases per year, it remains a challenge to find avenues to reach all facets of society in an effort to locate missing persons. It is not known how many of the homeless may be reported missing persons, but it is a certainty that many are.

In order to reach this segment of the population, the Come Home program was created. The bi-monthlyCome Home poster will feature all of the necessary data and contact information about a *selected missing person. It will also include a personal message to the missing person from their family. They simply want their loved one to Come Home.

If you operate a homeless shelter, or any group or organization which interfaces with homeless persons, or you work with the homeless in any capacity, Project Jason invites you to help the missing Come Home by your participation in this landmark program. All you have to do to help is join our growing database. We will then email you a new campaign notification not more than twice per month. You go to the link provided in that notification email, which brings you to this webpage, then you print the poster, (see poster list below) and display it where it can be seen by BOTH staff members and the homeless. We will also inform you if any of the missing persons on past Come Home campaigns have been located.

If you would like to be included in the database, and are willing to print and place the Come Home posters bi-monthly, please continue on to the Come Home program sign up page, enter your email address and name and choose Come Home from the list of subscription choices. In the “Name” field, please include your organization name, city, and state.

Working together, we can successfully decrease both the numbers of missing persons and of the homeless. Please help us to give them the hope that they can be reunited with their families. Somewhere, someone loves them and wants them to Come Home.

For additional information about the program, please email us at, or call 402-932-0095. Feel free to forward this webpage to any organization who interfaces with the homeless.

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