Sunday, August 30, 2009

Are You Teaching Your Child How To Be Violent?

It makes sense (and studies prove) that the more violent or aggressive behavior kids see, the more normal it becomes. With all the gore that fills the TV screen, violence can become an acceptable way to settle conflicts. Studies show that repeated exposure can lead to harmful acts and bullying. And they also show that kids become less empathetic to victims of violence. Kids younger than 7 are particularly vulnerable, since they don't easily distinguish fantasy from reality. They're also in the process of separating from their parents; that budding independence can bring normal insecurities and anxieties. When a child sees another child harmed on television, the impact is huge psychologically. So it's not surprising that the younger kids are, the longer lasting the effects of TV violence can be, including nightmares and increased worry that the world is a dangerous place.

The Family Media Agreement is a checklist that parents can use to have conversations with their children about media use and to establish guidelines that are right for their family. Some families are comfortable using it as a signed agreement. Others prefer to use it simply as a checklist to guide conversations. 

Impact of Media Violence Tips

Why media violence matters

The facts: Kids' TV shows are really violent

  • Kids' TV shows have twice as many violent incidents as other shows
  • 94% of T-rated games contain violence
  • Teens who watch more than 1 hour of TV per day are 4 times more likely than other teens to commit aggressive acts as adults
  • Reducing TV and video game use to less than 1 hour per day decreased physical aggression by 40% in a study of 3rd- and 4th-graders

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