Saturday, August 1, 2009

When Jon Van Dyke Went Maliciously Missing

Jon Van Dyke faked his own disappearance, leaving his family devastated, lost and forced to endure an aimless, constant state of the horrific unknown.

Officially a missing person, vast resources and tax payer's funds were spent trying to locate him. His wife, Maureen Reintjes, out of love for her husband and father of her girls, dedicated every waking moment possible to Finding Her Missing Husband.

Meanwhile, Van Dyke was just "hiding-out", eluding authorities, tormenting his family, concerned friends and countless volunteers who were all desperately looking for him, a Maliciously Missing Man.

When Jon faked his disappearance he committed the most selfish of actions imaginable. His family are the ones who suffered.

Maureen's life was now ridden with unrelenting anguish ... burdened with the finanacial nightmares left by a "missing husband" ... losing 2 homes ... she was left homeless ... this is just a peek at the hell of living in the unknown, Maureen's everday life for over 4 years.

Maureen's Heartwrenching Quest to Find Jon Van Dyke, Her Missing Husband

Maliciously Missing Awareness Group Network

Jon Van Dyke, A Maliciously Missing Man

Maliciously Missing Law (draft)

Diane Dimond's Coverage of The Maliciously Missing
The Maliciously Missing on Denny Griffin's TalkRadio Show
The Levi Page Show Highlights The Maliciously Missing
Burl Barer of In Cold Blog Looks Into Runaway Husbands as well as Jon Van Dyke
The Huffington Post
True Slant
Investigative Discovery

Please join us at Peace4 the Missing
Missing Persons Awareness and Support Network


  1. You did good Sara....thank you for the slide show and putting everything together in one spot.

    No family should ever have to go through what my family did. And, through my law I'm going to make sure that no family ever has to go through this again.


  2. The man called his home a week or
    so after he left. He contacted his
    mother, he talked to the wife's
    private investigator, he was seen in a casino. His work seemed to know he left, the police knew he left, even Budget rent a car knew.
    The man was never missing, he left.

  3. This is what this horrible individual leaves everywhere and this is my response.

    I just saw this comment from Lee. I don't know who the hell you are Lee but you are so damn wrong. Why were his 2 retirements not touched for years? Why didn't he close his bank account or have me taken off of it? He was the primary on the account I can't even have my ownself taken off of it. Why would his company call me to find out where Jon was if they knew what you are alledging? Why did they fire him as a no show? Why wouldn't he have quit his job instead of taking the chance on ruining an amazing career? Why did he embezel the rental car? The private investigator knew nothing ... he was so off mark on the case that he even said his firm talked to Jon on his cell phone. Didn't happen as that was my cell phone that Verizon turned off for me but kept the account active. For years you could call it and it would ring busy, as it was supposed to. The police knew nothing. They assumed but that is not concrete answers...they could back their assumptions up with NO proof. Trust me they were as baffled as his family was and for most respects still are. His mother? The woman who has been married to so many men that one of the siblings doesn't even know who their father really is. The woman who trusts no one, lies about everything and her own children will attest to that. Lee how friggen clueless you are. How dare you comment on me and you don't even know me. You must be one of the sleuthers from the crime (hate) boards. Enough said.

    This is a case of a Maliciously Missing Person.

  4. It is not against the law for a person to leave their spouse. As long as there are no underaged children, and the assets are evenly split. It looks like he just left with what he could carry.
    You can insult me all you want, that doesn't change the fact that this is a free country and people are not required to check in with friends, family, or govt officials.
    Personally, I would like to keep it that way.
