Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Soul Touching Ads by Yasmin Ahmad, The Storyteller

Yasmin Ahmad (July 1, 1958 - July 25, 2009) was a critically-acclaimed multi-award winning film director, writer and scriptwriter from Malaysia and was also the executive creative director at Leo Burnett Kuala Lumpur. Her television commercials and films are well-known in Malaysia for their humour, heart and love that crosses cross-cultural barriers, in particular her ads for Petronas, the national oil and gas company. Her works have won multiple awards both within Malaysia and internationally.

I had recently read over at Yasmin's personal blog, she had written her last entry on July 22, 2009...in this last post one can't help but notice a sense of foreshadowing in its title which is called "A song of longing I'm hoping to use for the ending in Wasurenagusa."

Below are some of the ads that Yasmin Ahmad did for Petronas, which are incredibly beautiful and touching, often provoking "good tears" upon viewing. Such a compassionate, heartfelt method of "selling" a message. I highly recommend viewing them all, but AT LEAST watch the first one below on the Funeral...you'll be so glad you did... ;)

Undoubtedly the incredibly talented and compassionate life of Yasmin Ahmad, The Storyteller, will be missed by so many. In this interview on July 21, we heard her talk candidly about being colourless and living as one people.

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