Tuesday, September 29, 2009

For All Family Members and Friends of Missing Persons

Therapeutic Support for Families of the Missing
Tonight on BlogTalkRadio with Duanne Bowers, LPC 

Time: September 29, 2009 from 9pm to 10pm EST
Location: Your Computer/Online
Website or Map: http://www.blogtalkradio.co...
Phone: Call-in Number: (646) 478-0982

Tonight's Online Interactive Radio Show with Kim Kolton and Dennis Griffin will be featuring special guest, Duane T. Bowers.  Duane is a Traumatic Loss Therapist and Educator in private practice, and author of Guiding Your Family Through Loss and Grief, and A Child is Missing: Providing Support for Families of Missing Children.  As a therapist Duane's specialty is working with survivors of traumatic death and suicide, which includes assisting families who must identify loved ones at the DC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, through the Wendt Center for Loss and Healing. He also provides support to families of abducted, missing, exploited and murdered children through the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). Duane serves as a training consultant to NCMEC, and is deployed by them to provide crisis intervention at Amber Alert sites with Team Adam. He also serves as a consultant and trainer for Team HOPE, a telephone support line for parents of missing children, and has provided services to AMECO (Association of Missing and Exploited Children Organizations).

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