Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Volunteer Your Time for the Sept. 26th Mary Lands Search in Albion/Marshall, MI

TrackMissing conducted a 3rd search for Mary Lands on Labor Day Weekend, 2009 that lasted more than 17 hours in the Albion and Marshall areas. Search efforts included dogs, handlers and spotters from Indiana K9 Search and Recovery based in Indianapolis, IN. Personnel from TrackMissing, Peace4 the Missing and Mary Lands Father, Clifford Marshall were also involved in the search efforts.

We will now be conducting thorough grid searches of some areas discovered then during the upcoming scheduled search on Sept. 26, 2009. Our hopes of finding information that will lead to recovering the remains of Mary are now at an all time high.

Mary's Parents and I are very grateful to Indiana K9 Search and Recovery for spending their Holiday weekend searching for Mary Lands and we look forward to working with them, as well as many as 8 additional cadaver dogs and handlers from Indiana on the 26th. It is very likely that additional dogs and handlers from different organizations will be joining this large search effort.

As a result of the Labor Day weekend search efforts we need to reach out to search professionals and the public to contact us at to volunteer your time for the Sept. 26th search. This search may likely be the best chance ever to locate Mary's remains and we do need peoples help if that is going to happen.

In conclusion, all of this weekends search personnel are VERY much looking forward to the 26th and hopefully answering the ultimate questions.....where is Mary? We also want to thank Marshall Police for their continued support of our search efforts and their help over the weekend. Sgt. McDonald has done a great job since taking over the case and he is thanked very much by many people. 

Anyone with information on Mary's whereabouts is asked to contact one of the proper people involved in her case. The time for fear has long passed and the time to come forward is now.

Chad Scott

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