Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Domestic Violence Awareness Month - October 2008

How Can I Help?
1. Attend upcoming events around the country.

2. Spread the word that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Flyer - “Show Your Purple Power” dvam1.pdfPDF
Flyer - “Use Your Voice” dvam2.pdfPDF

3. Show your purple power! Wear purple and pass out purple ribbons.

4. Help a service provider in your area. If you need help locating a service, please call the Hotline 1-800-799-7233.

5. Use the campaign materials to encourage others to join the Million Voices Campaign to End Domestic Violence in America.

How Do I Plan My Own Public Event?

dvam_sampledevents.pdfEvent Ideas PDF - National Resource Center on Domestic Violence

“Planning a Public Event in 8 Weeks or Less” dvam-event-checklist.pdfPDF - DVAM checklist

Million Voices Campaign Volunteer Request

Where Can I Find More Resources?

Read, Learn, Teach

Official DVAM website

Somewhere Smiles Christina

August 9, 2007...Christina Calayca, a 20 year young woman with everything to live for, went for a jog with a friend. A short jog amongst the beautiful background of Rainbow Falls Provincial Park east of Thunder Bay, where she and 3 friends were spending a short vacation camping.

Christina's passion for the life God gave her shone through in her million dollar smile. Excuberance for life, for God, for her family and friends, for the children she oversaw in her daycare occupation. So much to live for, nothing pressing to run away from...thus, the mystery, the mystery with seemingly no clues. Where is Christina? Why didn't that short jog she set out on, ever lead her back home?


Monday4 the Missing

Christina Calayca has one of the widest, happiest smiles I have ever seen along with a twinkle in her eye that makes her whole face sparkle with life.Christina was not a rugged outdoors type person according to family members and it is a mystery to them that she would be jogging at the Rainbow Falls Provincial Park in Canada.

She had told family members that she was planning a trip to Montreal for a Christian retreat over a long weekend, and they feel if she went camping it would be somewhere that there was a semblance of civilization and amenities, not in a primitive, rugged area. Apparently Christina and her friends decided to ditch the Montreal plans and headed for the area near Thunder Bay.

It is reported that she was going for a jog with a fire fighter friend, got tired and said she was turning back. She never made it back to the rugged campsite and what happened next continues to be a mystery.

The park is so rugged that searchers who were covering the are were injured and a search dog also went missing. There are several drop offs in the hilly, rough terrain and the family was kept back from the search area because of the dangers.

After 17 days of massive searching they turned up no clues as to what happened to Christina. They continue to go up and down the many trails that she could have taken and the authorities do not suspect foul play from any of her friends she travelled there with. Black bear attack has been ruled out, also.

A year after she went missing on August 6, 2007, her mother has peace within feeling that Christina is in heaven. Her friends live with the regrets of leaving her to jog alone, but no one has forgotten her and that beautiful smile.By all accounts she was a vibrant 20 year old and loved by many. She is missed by her close knit family and friends. Her family is trying to raise $100,000 to renew extensive searching for her."The peace that I have after that," Rutledge (Christina's mother)breathes. "I said truly she is in heaven. She is really taken care of by God."



Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday4 the Missing, Brenda Joan Allen Szabo

Mothers are Vanishing: Monday4 the Missing, Brenda Joan Allen Szabo

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*If you would like to feature this Monday4 the Missing entry on your blog and become part of the Monday4 the Missing Blogroll, please just copy and paste to your own blog,or write an entry from your own perspective, email monday4themissing@gmail.com and you will be included in the effort to get these individual cases exposed each Monday. We need as many bloggers as possible!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Protest for Becca


Becca McEvoy was a vibrant young 9 year old when her life was lost in a car accident. She was a fighter and valiantly fought for her life for 10 days on life support. She did not win that battle.

Becca needs us to fight for her now. You see, Becca was to testify in front of a Grand Jury in Mobile, Alabama. She was bravely speaking of things which she had been threatened not to tell, but her story was cut short, as was her life.

Becca McEvoy endured a year of rape and sodomy at the hands of her step father, Bob Ingle, a police officer. According to reports, Bob Ingle not only had his way with Becca, but other family members as well as his own daughter. All of them were threatened, some recanted their own stories.

The legal process is tedious and justice is long in coming in most cases brought through the court system. However, there have been numerous delays in Becca's case and Bob Ingle is still living free and easy in a home with other children present, according to family members.

Becca is a victim. Victims should have equal rights under the law. Victims should have a voice in a court of law. Becca's voice is being silenced. The law in place that may jeopardize much of Becca's testimony is Crawford vs Washington, which simply stated, may keep a lot of testimonial evidence from ever being heard.

Her case was scheduled to go to trial September 22, 2008, but now there has been yet another delay while defense attorneys challenge information to be brought into the trial. Another day is gone for Becca, another day that maybe her voice would have been heard and the scales of justice would have been balanced. Now her already grieving family must wait again before they can start to heal from their losses.

I appeal to everyone to join me in an "Online Protest" to join Becca's family and friends who will be physically protesting in Alabama on Monday, September 22, the day Becca's case was scheduled to begin.

There is a list of email addresses below. It only takes a minute of your time to copy and paste your opinions and email them to officials in Alabama. Let them know you support Becca McEvoy and her family. Let them know that she has the right to a trial free from unreasonable delay. WE have to be the voice for this little victim because the laws are trying too keep her quiet, just as Bob Ingle did when he was molesting her.

Make Monday a day of protest in support of Becca McEvoy.

Alabama Governor Bob Riley

Lt.Governor Jim Folsom

Sec. of State Beth Chapman
Chief of Staff Emily Thompson

Public Information Specialist
Tamara Cofield

Attorney General Troy King

Alabama State Senate (35 Senators)
Web Site: http://www.legislature.alabama.gov/senate/senate.html
Email: alsenate@mindspring.com

Miriam Shehane, Commissioner, Alabama Crime Victims Compensation Commission


To Read Details of Becca's Case:


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Making Noise for Giovanni Gonzalez

LYNN (WBZ) ― Clear Channel is donating one of its billboards to aide in the search for a missing 5-year-old Lynn boy.

Giovanni Gonzalez' picture will be put up on a Clear Channel's billboards in Lynn's Wyoma Square next week.

Giovanni has been missing since Aug. 16 when his mother went to pick him up from a weekend visit with his father, Ernesto Gonzalez. READ MORE...
~LostFaces~ of the Missing: Making Noise for Giovanni Gonzalez

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bring Rachel Home: Amber\'s Speech for the CUE Center: On the Road to Remember National Tour

Rachel Conger is a thirty year old mother who went missing from her home in Como, TN on March 13th, 2008. Her estranged husband was found deceased from a self-inflicted gunshot wound on March 16th, 2008. The Henry County Sheriff's Department in Paris, TN has not yet been able to determine where Rachel is, and we are praying for Rachel to be found as soon as possible.

Bring Rachel Home: Amber's Speech for the CUE Center: On the Road to Remember National Tour

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Milk Cartons For The Missing Are Back!

As good as it gets! Innovative Brilliance within a "Give-back" Heart...Love It!!!

~LostFaces~ of the Missing: Milk Cartons For The Missing Are Back!