Saturday, January 31, 2009
Me and My Peace4
- Are you involved with other organizations relating to Missing Persons and Domestic Violence...and if so, please share a bit about here...
- My Blogs/Sites
- Please share a few sentences regarding what social issues, cases, activism efforts best describe who you are and why you are here...
- Missing Persons, Female Targets of Abuse
(I've personally experienced being married to an abuser), Palliative Care Awareness (in honor of my Dad, Arend 'Odee' Lenderink
),Cure Cancer
(my Dad recently died from AML), All those Feeling Alone and Forgotten, Joining Forces with Like Minds to Strengthen Efforts...I quite adore activism efforts
in general...
- Which Current Member of Peace4 Referred You Here?
- I was the First Member, lol, Created Site, Co-Founder
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Susan Murphy-Milano, Robin Sax and Stacy Dittrich, these Women are Defending Our Lives
Please join us at Peace4 the Missing
Missing Persons Awareness and Support Network
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
When Mothers are Found, the Peace4 story of Alice Donovan, Angie's Mom
I feel very fortunate to have been able to be an observer of this miraculous story unfolding right among us here at Peace4 the Missing. There are facts, there are events and then there are extraordinary circumstances for which the only possible explanation is God.
Did you know that Angie and Delilah came into contact with one another as the result of a google search? It's true...Angie had googled her Mom, Alice Donovan's name and part of the search results was this brand new "baby blog" of Delilah's called Mothers are Vanishing.
Angie left a comment...
JUNE 20, 2008 4:17 PM
ange said...
I am Alice Donovans oldest daughter Angie and in complete awe right now...
I stumbled upon this site when I googled my mothers name. Wow I didn't think that anyone thought of her anymore except us (her family)! You don't know how much this means to me that we are still thought of and that my mother is thought of by others besides her family..Thank you for all your kind words and thoughts.
...over at Delilah's blog and in response Delilah invited her to join us at this brand new little thing we'd just started called Peace4 the Missing. And from the very first moment, Delilah and I just knew, that this place, Peace4, must have been originally created specifically for Alice and that in order for it to truly benefit others, it needed Angie. Thankfully Angie agreed and joined us as Administrator of Peace4 the Missing.
The date marking 6 years since Alice went missing was coming up a few months later and Angie wanted to do something incredibly special not just for her Mom, but for all families with missing loved ones. She decided to have a Charity Benefit in Honor of Alice Donovan scheduled to coincide with the calendar date that Alice was last seen.
Angie worked tirelessly, often with Delilah's help, planning and carrying out this beautiful memorial benefit for Alice. Around the same time period, Delilah had also recently become a volunteer for CUE and thus the connection between Angie and Monica was re-established as well. And in "always giving-back Angie" style, she chose for all of the donations generated from her Mom's benefit to be given to CUE, Community United Effort.
Delilah also wrote a passionate letter to a reporter by the name of Isaac Bailey. As a result he ended up setting up an interview with three "girls" one day...two sisters (Angie and Jen) and one Mother, Delilah. And although not "their" Mother, this too I firmly believe God in all His infinite wisdom orchestrated, knowing that Alice would want a Mom to be there for her girls, that day and the many days that have transpired since that initial google search to now.
Did you know that Delilah was on the search team who initially discovered what we're now quite certain to be the first discovery of Alice Donovan? For six years Angie's Mom has been missing, countless searches have taken place...yet for some reason I believe that God Himself specifically chose that moment, with Angie here amongst all of us, and Delilah there out in the thick brush wilderness for her to finally be found.
Sometimes, often times, we'll never really be able to figure it all out, all that we can do is just sit back and say...
Please join us at Peace4 the Missing
Missing Persons Awareness and Support Network
Monday, January 26, 2009
Bradley Olsen, Monday4 the Missing

What were you doing when you were 26? Some readers may be in that age bracket, but I've been living twice that long, yet I can remember the days of being 26, drinking with my friends and closing the bar. What if it was January 19, cold and frigid, 8 degrees, your friends left earlier, and you were pretty well intoxicated? Wouldn't you call your friends, ask them to come for you, maybe call a cab? They say the first thing to go when you're drinking is your judgement, and being numb to the cold, maybe you would catch a ride with a stranger.

All speculating aside, this is precisely what happened on a cold January 19 night in DeKalb, Illinois. Bradley Olsen vanished into the night, intoxicated, last seen in the parking lot looking for a ride home. No one knows if he got that ride or where he ended up that night. It's safe to say he didn't walk away from his family, his daughter, and his life.
According to reports, Brad's family was on vacation, returned home on January 24, and when they had no contact with him, filed a missing persons report and started searches of the area around Bar One, the last place Brad was seen. The family had never been out of touch with Brad for more than a couple days, so it was totally out of character, and they feel he has been harmed.
SomethingSue Olsen, Brad's motherhas definitely happened to him because he lived here with us,” hismother, Sue Olsen said. “There was never a 48-hour period where we didn't know where Brad was. Even whenever we would go out of town, he'd always call.”
Over the last two years, extensive searches have been made, over land, under water, air searches and scent dogs. Nothing has turned up as a clue to what happened to Brad. Hope is very powerful, but when it fades, families seek closure, they need to come out of limbo.
"I would have never thought that when this all started we would be talking about a two-year anniversary," Maple Park resident Sue Olsen said Tuesday, her voice quivering.

The man with the infectious smile, the love of life, his family, and his daughter is out there somewhere. If you hold the key to finding him, please come forward and give this family the answers they need.

Missing Mom Pursuing Divorce
Affidavit: Missing Mom Pursuing Divorce
Missing Woman's Family Thanks Community, Seeks Tips
- January 16, 2009: Police: Missing Woman's Husband Vague On Timing
- January 13, 2009: Still No Sign Of Missing Kansas City Mother
- January 12, 2009: Family, Friends Join Missing Woman Search
- January 11, 2009: Police Search Missing Woman’s Home
- January 9, 2009: Kansas City Police Search Home Of Missing Mother
- January 9, 2009: Police Seeking Missing Woman Search Home
- January 7, 2009: Police Use Dogs To Search For Missing Woman
- January 7, 2009: Police Suspect Foul Play In Woman's Disappearance
Missing Persons Awareness and Support Network
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Online Social Networking Community for those with Missing Loved Ones
What Does Social Networking Offer?
Here is the link for it on Helium
Monday, January 19, 2009
For PapAmore, Arend 'Odee' Lenderink, Palliative Care Awareness

For PapAmore...Are You Familiar With Palliative Care?
Is it really okay for ANYONE to tell another human being that due to lack of Medical Options that their life is over and THEN to send them out the door without sharing with them VITAL RESOURCES regarding AVAILABLE?!
Without googling Palliative Care and contacting them on our own, my Dad would not even have had a pain relief prescription, he was dying from AML without even a prescription for relief from the intense pain.
I can't change the whole world, but when I have seen my Hero tragically inflicted by the cruel, senseless lack of what should be a required (seemingly, sharing hospice and palliative care resources is currently not mandatory, or so we have been led to believe) distribution of a simple brochure entailing information...that is something easily remedied, imo...
Letter sent out, Please Copy/Paste, Thank-You!
All that my Dad, Arend 'Odee' Lenderink , was told by his Oncologist was that medically he had no more options, he was was then sent on his way with no resources and never informed of Palliative Care, not verbally, not via print materials, no information shared in any form nor matter... familiar-with.html The only way that we found out about Palliative Care was through my extensive (and desperate) googling...thus on the internet I discovered Palliative Care, I immediately called the closest Palliative Care facility (St. Mary's Lacks Cancer Center) and they were wonderful, we literally cried tears of relief and comfort as they even set up a house visit at my parent's home the very next morning. (I discovered Palliative Care online 5 days before my Dad died from AML)They were also the ones to bravely share that contrary to my Father's oncologist (Dr. Amy C. Vanderwoude) 2nd opinions are a good thing, a thing called clinical trials exist, Palliative Care is available, pain medication can be prescribed, introduced us to Hydrea, informed us that my "no options" Father was the healthiest AML patient that they had ever seen, that Hospice is another option, etc.In an attempt to put a positive spin on this, I would like to (if it is already a policy, all the better, I would so appreciate knowing either way please) somehow help however I might be able towards requiring that oncologist's share Palliative Care information and resources in written form...Prior to contact with Palliative Care, my Father (my entire Family) was left without ANY was such a dark, scary, horrific time anyway and then to not have any resources or information shared by his oncologist with us...I feel compelled to ensure that others need not go through the additional agony of enforced ignorance as we were instructed to abide by and endured.More on my Precious Dad, Odee Lenderink, who died from AML on 1/11/09 http://papamore.blogspot.comThank You so much for your time and for all that you do...
Mary Badaracco, Monday4 the Missing
written by Mary Badaracco's daughter, Beth Profeta

My life was shattered 24 years ago. My mom,Mary Badaracco, vanished from her home. Yes I did say 24 YEARS! The last person that saw my mom alive, her husband of 14 years, STILL HAS NO COMMENT! This man, our ex stepfather, TOLD US TO "TELL NO-ONE and DO NOT GO TO THE COPS". He told us his lawyer would handle it, however...the only thing his lawyer did was slither into court and enter a motion for divorce on the grounds of desertion, only 9 days after mom supposedly disappeared, without reporting her missing. Meanwhile, he already had his mistress moved into my mom's house.
About 10 days had already passed by the time I was finally told that my mom had supposedly "taken off" on August 20, 1984. I knew right away something was terribly wrong, I knew our mom would have never "taken off", not after all we'd been through together! I was also told her car remained at her home, a smashed windshield was evident, I suppose only to me, that foul play should be suspected as it was in the driveway, damaged.
So I, (as usual) defied his orders and convinced my sister, who was still in a state of shock from being told the previous week by this ex family that our mom was missing, my only sister,who was told to especially not tell me that our mom was gone. Why would she comply? I feel she was scared to death that our worst nightmare

Throughout our moms 14year marriage to this man, she also raised all 4 of his kids. We were subjected to much domestic abuse from these sickos. By the time mom realized this, she didn't have a clue how to get away from him! Several times after he'd beat our mom severely we'd flee the home and stay with friends only for him to eventually find us and bring us back to that house, usually by threats and force, or as in one instance, having our Grandma by knife point, while my sis and I could only run and hide under the bed and cry.
Back in the 60's and 70's she never reported this to police. Why would she? He is friends with the cops, he still is friends with people in high places, that's why this case is not solved!
One crucial error the state police made is regarding our moms damaged car. The CSP investigator 1st on scene was "D B's" buddy. They believed him when he told them "the bitch took off and stole my money, too". He told one cop that mom broke the windshield of her car that was left at her house, but he was overheard telling another trooper that he did it! Although I kept asking about the car for over 20 years, I was like a frikken broken record. I insisted the police find this car, I knew it was a key piece of evidence! The police told me to find the VIN number and they would run a search, even though I later found out they, of course, had mom's license plate number the entire time. " D B" got rid of her car and was never even questioned about the whereabouts of this car!
We have had our 1st arrest in all these years. A new state trooper has uncovered much information that has been concealed from us. (a relative of "D B" ) It's only a misdemeanor charge. I thought it was a start. This man is accused of interfering with a homicide investigation.

wow- that's it! Why are we sending the message that it's ok to lie to state police investigators, you will basically just walk away!
As mom's belongings were completely removed, not even a link ball remained of her. In her house, the day she "WENT MISSING" in1984, her belongings, as well as her remains, could be in that car! A few weeks back when the prosecutor told me they were just going to plea him out with that fine, I let him know how unhappy I was. I told him "D B" carries that in his left pocket daily, who is that going to hurt?
I then decided I'd go to the court to see this for myself. However, his lawyer felt the need to pull something shady. On the morning of court last month, supposedly the day of this final continuance, after I drove almost an hour, his lawyer called in (after 9:30 am) and said they needed a new date as she has another murder case somewhere else and can not be there to represent him. I was so furious because this attorney had almost 2 months to get her calendar straight! I immediately asked to speak with the judge and my wish was granted, in her open court with the accused to my right!
I suppose I watch too much TV because I thought my request would be a discussion, privately, in chambers! This was one of the hardest things I'd ever done, trying to be mom's voice in a court of law for the very first time in 24 years, I pleaded with the court to impose the maximum sentence!
Believe me, if I had ANY money, I would certainly have been paying for justice for my mom. I can only use every fiber of my being to right this wrong. I've tried to make this broken justice system work for my mother, my family! Something is seriously wrong when killers are allowed to get away with murder.
In my case, not only do we know in our hearts who killed our mom, but they hid our moms remains somewhere. What kind of a monster does that! He also made my mother quit claim her home to him for $1 about 6 weeks prior to her disappearance, and he still resides in mom's house with his mistress, now wife. He took the home out of OUR moms name and gave it to his 3rd wife.
I only want this case solved! The tragedy that happened to my family so long ago threw my sister and I into a state of shock we still feel to this day!
We have been left shattered, still trying to put the pieces of ourselves back together. We thought this was supposed to be moms time for working so hard raising 6 kids and putting up with all the abuse all those years! 6 kids were grown and out of the house, this was supposed to be her time to enjoy life! But mom found out about the affair, and we believe she finally wanted out,like this was the last straw.
This family took everything from us, our childhoods, our mother and even now he takes from my life!
He (and those that keep his secret) also killed a part of me that day too. I have never been the same since my world was shattered in August 1984! My mother was the most beautiful spirit, she was always there helping anyone that needed anything! To further my pain and suffering,authorities made so many mistakes. I've pushed and screamed to be my mothers voice all these 24 years and now I'm being told that even this old state police trooper buddy has lawyered up!
We know that there are people within the community, as well as several persons of interest that do have the missing puzzle piece that we need to solve this case.
I struggle every day to get out of bed to fight for what's right ! Until I know exactly what happened to my mom and I know we've done everything possible to locate her remains, I will be tortured by this ongoing tragic event that occurred in 1984. I can only best describe this daymare mom cries out to my spirit

I have been a wife and mom of 4 for 27 years. I am busy, but the disappearance and
unsolved homicide of my mother, well, it is just there with me every single day, I feel the loss of her beautiful presence.
I ask why have I been tortured by this for so long? Because my state has allowed this crime to go unsolved all these years. I continue to fight for my mom and those that I didn't even know, others that are missing. On behalf of my children, my goal is to show my kids, my nephew and my family that justice really does exist,decent people really do care!
Please join me in a prayer that all of our missing loved ones will be returned to us. Pray that our lawmakers will assist us in making tougher laws. If society no longer knows the difference between right and wrong, then it is our obligation to remind them with a few more laws !
Thank you Peace4 the Missing....4 being here 4 us!
Please feel free to visit this daughter's promise to her NOT let people forget!
Angel Hugz and Blessings!
Please join us at Peace4 the Missing
Missing Persons Network and Support
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Recipe For Hope, Stacy Peterson

There is a group of people on the internet that are fighting to do just that.
This group would like to see the dignity and respect for Stacy Peterson and Kathleen Savio be restored, not only on the internet, but in mainstream media as well.
If Stacy or Kathleen had reached out to a domestic violence organization, maybe they would be here today to relate their stories.
This group would like to raise money to bolster the efforts of local domestic violence organizations and the way they would like to do that is publish a cookbook.
Not just any ordinary cookbook, but a cookbook with recipes along with safety tips for women caught in this cycle of abuse. Are you a survivor of violence, or is someone you know caught in an abusive relationship. Some of these tips you offer could save someone's life.
This is one of the easiest, no cost to you, things you can do! Just write out your favorite recipe, add your name and city, if you like, and email it to:
Oh! One

All of the printing costs are donated and ALL proceeds will go to an organization that helps women safely survive!

Please join us at Peace4 the Missing
Missing Persons Awareness and Support Network
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Another Act of Murder, the Result of Domestic Violence
Sheriff: Suspect Was Digging Wife's Grave
Man Was Using Backhoe To Dig Large Hole, Sheriff Says
MOUNT AIRY, N.C. -- A man who shot and bound his wife was using a backhoe tractor to presumably dig her grave, Surry County Sheriff Graham Atkinson said Monday.
Surry County deputies captured Christopher Scott Hiatt, 26, who was hiding in a wooded area off Dusty Lane near Greentown Road Monday morning, Atkinson said.
Atkinson said he had barricaded himself along a tree line less than a mile from the North Carolina/Virginia state line and was spotted with the help of a police helicopter that was scouring the area from above.
Atkinson said the incident started Sunday at about 10:40 p.m. when deputies responded to a breaking and entering call at the Hiatt Asphalt Company on Du

"(The deputies) looked in a vehicle that the suspect had left and found a female victim shot in the head. She was unresponsive," Atkinson said. Her feet had been bound by a leather jacket, but she was still alive, he said.
Atkinson said Hiatt was taken to Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center where she died late Monday morning.
Atkinson said that deputies saw Hiatt using a backhoe tractor to dig a hole, presumably to use as a grave for his wife. When Hiatt saw the deputies he ran away into the nearby woods. Murder charges are now pending against him.
Atkinson said deputies spotted Christopher Hiatt Monday morning hiding in the woods. Deputies fired at him, injuring him, before taking him into custody. Deputies said had Hiatt fired at them first. EMS treated him at the scene, then airlifted him to WFUBMC, where he was listed in critical but stable condition. Surry EMS Director John Shelton said he had been shot at least twice.
"It was kind of strange to see someone with a T-shirt on as cold as it was," said a neighbor who said he saw Hiatt Sunday evening.
Deputies didn't say what prompted the shooting, but did say the two had a history of domestic violence.
No other injuries were reported.
"All of the officers are okay. There are two deputies that were involved in the shooting along with a North Carolina state trooper," Atkinson said. "They are now part of the officer-involved shooting investigation that's going on. They seem to be okay. Everybody is just glad that nobody was hurt any worse than they were."
Atkinson said the SBI had been called in to assist in the investigation, as is the general procedure when law enforcement officers are involved in a shooting.