Tuesday November 25, 2008, 8:00PM PST/ 10:00PM CST/ 11:00PM EST
Call-In to the show: 914-338-0663
He will take your questions, LIVE on the air!
If you have a missing loved one or an unsolved murder case you won't want to miss this important show!!!
This is an Incredibly Exciting Opportunity to speak directly to Gil about your own Loved One's Missing Persons Case. Before founding Alba Investigations in 1998, Gil Alba had a distinguished career with the New York City Police Department. During his 28 years of service, Mr. Alba attained the highest investigative rank, First Grade Detective and worked with the Major Case Squad and the FBI/NYPD Task Force specializing in difficult and unusual cases.
Gil Alba has at his core a strong desire to help those in need... with a specialized focus on those good people suffering the anguish of having a relative or a friend that is missing and possibly even murdered. Cold cases and those with unusual and mysterious circumstances are his specialty.
As a private investigator, I know the value of helping others. In this industry, teaching and sharing information is crucial. I am proud to have this opportunity to share my experiences and expertise with the readers of P.I. Magazine. I have found great value in the opinions, strategies and recommendations of other private investigators that have shared their knowledge through P.I. Magazine.
Heart-rending cases are my specialty - young men and woman who disappear, their loved ones frustrated by law enforcement's perceived heel-dragging, citizens kidnapped and now the perfect pre-meditated murder disguised as a missing persons case.
by Cheryl Gassler
My name is Cheryl Gassler from Bangor, PA and I am writing this on behalf of Mr. Gil Alba. Mr. Alba was contacted in April of 2003 by our lawyer who could no longer help us in locating our missing 19yr. old son...
Please take advantage of this! Hope is on its Way! If you are are Planning on Definitely calling in, please leave a comment under this post and/or email pertitinet Case Details prior to the show to...kindlivingpress@aol.com
Tuesday Evening, November 25, 2008 at 11pm EST, Justice Interrupted Radio...Gil Alba.
Please join us at Peace4 the Missing
Missing Persons Awareness and Support Network
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