Susan Murphy Milano
The Susan Murphy Milano Show airs every Wednesday @ 4 PM ET/ 3 CT / 2 MT/ 1 PT
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Date / Time: 5/13/2009 4:00 PM
Category: Women
Call-in Number: (347) 326-9337
It is difficult for those involved in domestic violence in a relationship or married to a law enforcement officer to seek safety and services outside the blue wall. We will discuss the barriers for women in this situations face and provide solutions to a road for safety. We will examine the facts in the Kathleen Savio Murder, Linda Yancey, Lori DeKleine Murder and others on why police departments continue conducting business as usual when it comes to investigations within their rank and file.
Guests: Under the name Cloud Writer the Site Behind The Blue Wall has ensured the voices of police officer wives and girlfriends on crime's perpetrated from behind the blue wall are heard across the country. Police Officer Involved Domestic Violence. Lighting a candle of remembrance for those who've lost their lives to domestic violence behind the blue wall, for strength and wisdom to those still here, and a non-ending prayer for those who thought they had escaped but can't stop being afraid.
Renee Harrington worked in law enforcement and the criminal justice fields, where she authored domestic violence/crime victim programs. As a survivor of officer-involved domestic violence [OIDV], she has dedicated her time to working with victims of OIDV; advocating; educating others/the public about OIDV; authored Michigan OIDV legislation and advocated for laws to protect victims of OIDV. With the help of OIDV Network, She has created Michigan Officer Involved Domestic Violence the first website dedicated to victims and survivors of Officer Involved Domestic Violence in Michigan
Susan Murphy-Milano violence expert and author of "Defending Our Lives, getting away from domestic violence & staying safe and Moving Out, Moving On when a relationship goes wrong. And her new book out in July 2009,"Time's Up, how to leave and survive a dangerous relationship ,offers detailed practical information.
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