Thursday, December 17, 2009

Billy's Law Update and Plea for Support - Your Hands are Needed to Complete the Circle of Hope

H.R.3695 HELP FIND THE MISSING ACT (Billy's Law) has been introduced and we are asking if you would so kindly open the link : review and complete the easy questions in the box provided then hit send.  A letter will be sent to your Federal Congress person asking for support and co sponsorship

If your life has been personally touched by a missing person, please ADD COMMENTS  of your life altering experience, a brief history of the person, when and how you feel they they disappeared, your legislators will see the human aspect and  the need to support such a bill.

Please see the PDF for bill 

Filling in the Gaps of the Nation’s Missing Persons Systems 

Endorsed By:  National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, Fraternal Order of Police, National Associations of Police Organizations (NAPO), Connecticut Department of Public Safety, National Forensic Science Technology Center, National Center for Forensic Science, Doe Missing Persons Network, Families of Homicide Victims and Missing Persons, Inc., Peace4TheMissing, Please Help Find The Missing Group, Project EDAN, LostNMissing Inc., Center for Hope, CUECENTER,  Surviving Parents Coalition

Sponsored by Representatives Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Ted Poe (R-TX) 

Current Cosponsors: Walt Minnick (ID-I), Ed Whitfield (R-KY)  Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH)

We are appreciative of the endorsement for H.R. 3695 from the National Associations of Police Organizations. (NAPO)

Please click here for link to their endorsement letter:

This legislation is named after Billy Smolinski of Waterbury, Connecticut who went missing on August 24, 2004 at the age of 31. Billy’s family knows all-too-well the systemic challenges in trying to find the missing. They quickly learned that while federal law mandates law enforcement report missing children, there are no such requirements for adults – or unidentified bodies. Compounding this problem is the fact that local law enforcement agencies, medical examiners, and coroners, often don’t have the resources or training to voluntarily report these cases. Finally, even when missing adults and remains are reported, the wide-range of unconnected federal, state, local, and non-profit databases to help match the missing with unidentified bodies, makes finding a match an often insurmountable challenge. 

Billy’s Law builds upon recent efforts to address these issues by:
  • Authorizing, and therefore helping to ensure funding for, the National Missing Persons and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs), which was created in July 2007 by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to provide a missing persons/unidentified database that the public could access and contribute;
  • Connecting NamUs with the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC) in order to create more comprehensive missing persons and unidentified remains databases and streamlining the reporting process for local law enforcement;
  • Creating an incentive grants program to help states, local law enforcement and medical examiners/coroners report missing persons and unidentified remains to NCIC, NamUs, and the National DNA Index System (NDIS);
  • Calling on the DOJ to issue guidelines and best practices on handling missing persons and unidentified remains cases in order to empower law enforcement, medical examiners and coroners to help find the missing.
In closing, I thank you again for your review and hopeful support.  Should you have any questions or needs, I am sure that Representative Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Ted Poe (R-TX) would be honored to respond to your inquiries.

Please see the PDF of this very important bill:
by Janice Smolinski, Mother of Billy

Please join us at Peace4 the Missing
Missing Persons Awareness and Support Network

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Establish H.R. 3695, the Help Find The Missing Act into Billy's Law in less than Ten Seconds with these Simple Steps

TO IMPLEMENT H.R. 3695, THE HELP FIND THE MISSING ACT INTO BILLY'S LAW, Simply Cut/Paste the Following Letter and send out to your Federal Congressperson:

"10 Seconds" to accomplish Steps:  
Simply remove the X's and replace with your information. 
Next click on Write Your Representative  
(This service will assist you by identifying your Congressperson in the U.S. House of Representatives and providing contact information.)

October XX, 2009

TO: Congressmen XXXX

FROM: Name – Address – City/St/zip

RE: H.R. 3695, The Help Find the Missing Act (Billy's Law)

Dear Congressmen XXXXX:

Thank you, in advance for reviewing my letter and the information below. As a Representative of our district, I am hoping that you will support H.R. 3695. This is very important to me and as a member of our community I believe this is important to all, and hopefully to you as well.

It is no longer a rare occasion in which one may become a missing statistic, rather it happens more often than we would like. The growing number of citizens with Alzheimer's and other cognitive disabilities also has shown a tremendous increase in missing loved ones, which also includes those with other cognitive disorders such as autism.

Your support, and those of your colleagues, are desperately needed. We feel if we do not gain support the bill will just die off. This bill is very necessary. We only want to have the gaps closed that will enable families of missing to have one source to be able to search for their loved ones.

Some recent published examples are:

* 200 unidentified bodies,in Florida, right now from 60's and 70's lying in wait in county morgues, unidentified.

* In Los Angeles, there are 4815 unclaimed.

Every year tens of thousands of Americans go missing, never to be seen by their loved ones again. Additionally, there are also an estimated 40,000 sets of unidentified human remains that are being held or disposed of across the country. Sadly, because of gaps in the nation’s missing persons systems, missing persons and unidentified remains are rarely matched. The Help Find the Missing Act (Billy’s Law) is an effort to fix these gaps. We want to help families to have the resources so that we can lessen the burden on the system as well as bringing loved ones home for a proper burial.

Please review the below and help by supporting H.R. 3695

Filling in the Gaps of the Nation’s Missing Persons Systems

Endorsed By: Connecticut Department of Public Safety, National Forensic Science Technology Center, National Center for Forensic Science, Doe Missing Persons Network, Center for Hope, Families of Homicide Victims and Missing Persons, Inc.

Sponsored by Representatives Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Ted Poe (R-TX)

This legislation is named after Billy Smolinski of Waterbury, Connecticut who went missing on August 24, 2004 at the age of 31. Billy’s family knows all-too-well the systemic challenges in trying to find the missing. They quickly learned that while federal law mandates law enforcement report missing children, there are no such requirements for adults – or unidentified bodies. Compounding this problem is the fact that local law enforcement agencies, medical examiners, and coroners, often don’t have the resources or training to voluntarily report these cases. Finally, even when missing adults and remains are reported, the wide-range of unconnected federal, state, local, and non-profit databases to help match the missing with unidentified bodies, makes finding a match an often insurmountable challenge.

Billy’s Law builds upon recent efforts to address these issues by:

* Authorizing, and therefore helping to ensure funding for, the National Missing Persons and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs), which was created in July 2007 by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to provide a missing persons/unidentified database that the public could access and contribute;

* Connecting NamUs with the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC) in order to create more comprehensive missing persons and unidentified remains databases and streamlining the reporting process for local law enforcement;

* Creating an incentive grants program to help states, local law enforcement and medical examiners/coroners report missing persons and unidentified remains to NCIC, NamUs, and the National DNA Index System (NDIS);

* Calling on the DOJ to issue guidelines and best practices on handling missing persons and unidentified remains cases in order to empower law enforcement, medical examiners and coroners to help find the missing.

In closing, I thank you again for your review and hopeful support. Should you have any questions or needs, I am sure that Representative Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Ted Poe (R-TX) would be honored to respond to your inquiries.





XXPhone Number

Monday, October 12, 2009

As fall approaches, seasonal affective disorder may be one issue to look out for

October 10th, 2009

Mental Illness Awareness Week and What You Should Know About Seasonal Affective Disorder

Photo by: MarkBarky, Flikr, Creative CommonsToday marks the last day of Mental Illness Awareness Week, first recognized by Congress in 1990. The first week of October has since been used to raise awareness about mental health issues. As fall approaches, seasonal affective disorder may be one issue to look out for.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a common mood disorder that occurs in autumn and winter. The reduced sunlight during these months causes the body to fall out of its natural rhythm. People with the disorder may feel drained, depressed, or lack interest in normal activity, among other symptoms.
Not to worry, though. These five tips may help you lose those winter blues:
  • Exercise regularly. Just 30 minutes of exercise is enough to flood the brain with endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good hormones.
  • Eat a balanced diet. Cutting out excess carbohydrates and saturated fats and replacing them with healthier foods can boost your metabolism and give you more energy.
  • Get plenty of sunlight. Most physicians recommend getting at least 30 minutes of sunlight to boost brain chemistry. If sunlight is scarce, you might consider a form of light therapy.
  • Consult your physician. There are lots of health conditions with similar symptoms as sad. SAD can be mistaken as hypothyroidism, mononucleosis, or another mental disorder.
  • Consider medication. For more severe cases of SAD, medication may be needed to balance the brain’s chemical levels. Talk to your doctor about different medications and other treatment options.
According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI), as many as 26 percent of adults and 10 percent of children living in the U.S. are directly affected by a mental health disorder every year. Mental illness affects everyone, but it doesn’t have to wreak havoc on your life. Taking extra steps toward positive mental health can keep a smile on your face this season.

Get more information about symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), or find resources on how to make Mental Illness Awareness Week recognized in your community.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Start Writing That Book Inside You

How to Stop Procrastinating & Start Writing That Book Inside You

Image courtesy of BingBing

Whenever I tell a new person I’ve met that I’ve recently had a memoir published, the response is, invariably, “You wouldn’t believe my story. I should write a book, too.” And my response to them is, invariably, “Then, why don’t you?”

The gap between having the desire to write a book and actually sitting down to write one is quite large, but with some effort, it can be bridged.

Getting Started

The first thing you need to ask yourself is what is actually stopping you from sitting down at the computer. Most people procrastinate because of fear of failure. If you never do anything then no one can say that you did it poorly. Most procrastinators are their own worst critics. Putting off doing something that they have always wanted to do is their way of avoiding their own perfectionism and convincing themselves that they could have excelled if only they had the (fill in the blank) to write.

When it comes to writing, the first thing you have to do to stop procrastinating is to challenge the assumption that what you write needs to be perfect. Even bestselling and award-winning authors are never satisfied with the first drafts of their manuscripts. A professional author can write multiple versions of his or her book before ever letting anyone read it. The best way to approach this is to just sit down and spit out whatever comes into your mind. There’s time for analyzing and revising later, and you can do it as much as you want before ever sending your baby out to be critiqued. The important thing is to just get your ideas down on paper or on the screen.

If you’ve decided to write fiction, chances are you’ll need to do some research, and you can motivate yourself to begin the project by going to the library to do some investigation. There’s nothing like learning about a new world for stimulating the imagination. Make the project fun by going to the library with a friend or family member who is also doing research for their own undertaking. And share what you have learned with others who can give you ideas and suggestions for making your work stronger and more appealing.

Another helpful approach is to break your manuscript down into manageable chunks, rather than putting yourself under pressure to write an entire book.  Divide your manuscript into chapters and set yourself short term goals for completing them. Writing a book becomes much less daunting when you approach it incrementally. Perhaps you can start by writing an outline or basic synopsis of your plot. That way, you’ll have a road map to guide you as you write.

Finding the Time To Write

Many people say they can’t write their manuscript because they have other obligations and just can’t find the time. I remember reading once that when John Grisham wrote his first novel, A Time to Kill, he was still working as a lawyer and wrote one page a night for a year until he had finished his book. The point is, if you really want to write, you can find the time. If you’ve got a family, you can talk to them about giving you a certain period each day when you cannot be disturbed. A supportive family will understand.

Many people also believe that they need the optimal conditions in which to work, and that absent these conditions, they just can’t produce. This is another faulty assumption. No less an author than the late Pulitzer-Prize winning John Kennedy Toole wrote his book, A Confederacy of Dunces, in his bedroom in longhand on a legal pad. You do not have to be in the perfect surroundings to write a book. And if you do have a favorite place to write, there’s no reason you can’t make yourself as comfortable as possible by arranging your workspace to please yourself.

Final Thoughts on Writing a Book

Don’t get me wrong; writing a book is no easy proposition. In fact, I once read on a publishing Web site that for every thousand people who aspire to write a book, one of them actually does it. But just think how great you’ll feel about yourself once you have a completed manuscript. You can be that one person, so start writing now!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Coaching Boys Into Men campaign

Safe Nest, in partnership with the Family Violence Prevention Fund, is proud to announce the launch of a ground-breaking campaign to engage men as partners in preventing violence against women.

Safe Nest invites men in Southern Nevada to do their part to end violence against women through the Coaching Boys Into Men campaign. The message of the campaign is simple:  Men can teach boys that violence does not equal strength.

The Challenge

How can men help prevent violence?

Research has shown that men are ready and willing to become partners in the movement to end violence against women:
  • 21 percent of men say they don't actively support efforts to stop domestic violence because "no one asked me to get involved."
  • A majority of men are willing to talk to children about the importance of healthy, violence-free relationships.
  • Men respond extremely well to the notion that they are in a unique position as role models and can help steer boys and teens away from abusive behavior.

The Challenge to Men — Be Our Children's Role Models

The Coaching Boys Into Men campaign appeals to men as fathers, friends, mentors, coaches, and community leaders and encourages them to talk with the boys in their lives about why violence has no place in relationships. The goals of the campaign are to:
  1. Invite men to be part of the solution while educating them about the problem.
  2. Motivate them to see their role as leaders and to act on it; and
  3. Provide them with the tools and information necessary to break the cycle of violence.

Reaching the Public

The Coaching Boys into Men campaign includes television, radio and print media. Television and radio spots titled "Father and Son", feature vignettes of a father and son playing different sports together. The narrator states, "You taught him how to hit the strike zone, a 9-iron, the net, the open man, but how much time have you spent teaching him what not to hit?" The narrator continues, “All violence against women is wrong. Teach early." These moving public service announcements were developed by the Family Violence Prevention Fund and the Ad Council.
Look for the Coaching Boys Into Men public service announcements on local television and radio stations! For more information, contact Safe Nest at 702-877-0133, ext. 225.

Men - What you Can Do

The boys in your life need your time and energy. Your son, grandson, nephew, younger brother. The boys you teach, coach and mentor. All need you to help them grow into healthy young men.
Boys are swamped with influences outside of the home – from friends, the neighborhood, television, the internet, music, the movies… everything they see around them. They hear all kinds of messages about what it means to "be a man" – that they have to be tough and in control. There are numerous conflicting and some harmful messages being given to boys about what constitutes "being a man" in a relationship.
Boys need your advice on how to behave toward girls. Boys are watching how you and other men relate to women to figure out their own stance towards girls. So teach boys early, and teach them often, that there is no place for violence in a relationship.

Here's How:

Teach Early. It's never too soon to talk to a child about violence. Let him know how you think he should express his anger and frustration – and what is out of bounds. Talk with him about what it means to be fair, share and treat others with respect.

Be there. If it comes down to one thing you can do, this is it. Just being with boys is crucial. The time doesn't have to be spent in activities. Boys will probably not say this directly -- but they want a male presence around them, even if few words are exchanged.

Listen. Hear what he has to say. Listen to how he and his friends talk about girls. Ask him if he's ever seen abusive behavior in his friends. Is he worried about any of his friends who are being hurt in their relationships? Are any of his friends hurting anyone else?

Tell Him How. Teach him ways to express his anger without using violence. When he gets mad, tell him he can walk it out, talk it out, or take a time out. Let him know he can always come to you if he feels like things are getting out of hand. Try to give him examples of what you might say or do in situations that could turn violent.

Bring it up. A kid will never approach you and ask for guidance on how to treat women. But that doesn't mean he doesn't need it. Try watching TV with him or listening to his music. If you see or hear things that depict violence against women, tell him what you think about it. Never hesitate to let him know you don't approve of sports figures that demean women, or jokes, video games and song lyrics that do the same. And when it comes time for dating, be sure he knows that treating girls with respect is important.

Be a Role Model. Fathers, coaches and any man who spends time with boys or teens will have the greatest impact when they "walk the walk." They will learn what respect means by observing how you treat other people. So make respect a permanent way of dealing with people – when you're driving in traffic, talking with customer service reps, in restaurants with waiters, and with your family around the dinner table. He's watching what you say and do and takes his cues from you, both good and bad. Be aware of how you express your anger. Let him know how you define a healthy relationship and always treat women and girls in a way that your son can admire.

Teach Often. Your job isn't done once you get the first talk out of the way. Help him work through problems in relationships as they arise. Let him know he can come back and talk to you again anytime. Use every opportunity to reinforce the message that violence has no place in a relationship.
Courtesy of the Family Violence Prevention Fund

A List of Free Webinars for Nonprofits - October 2009

23 Free Webinars for Nonprofits - October 2009

Wake Up Your Nonprofit Brand! How to Distinguish Your Organization and Reach Donors in a Down Economy
Free webinar hosted by Howard Levy, Red Rooster Group, includes examples of branding campaigns, hands-on activities to clarify your organization’s brand, and a chance to “Ask the Expert” your branding questions (60 minutes).
Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Time: 12:00 noon Eastern

Causes on Facebook: Partner Center, Application Redesign and America’s Giving Challenge, Oh My!
Free teleconference with Matthew Mahan, the Director of Nonprofit Relations and Business Development at Causes, the largest application on Facebook.
Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Time: 1:00 p.m. Eastern

How Idealist supports nonprofit professionals
Free webinar introducing several resource centers at (30 minutes).
Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Time: 1:00 p.m. Eastern

VolunteerMatch 101
Free introductory webinar for nonprofits new to (60 minutes).
Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Time: 11:00 a.m. Pacific

Risk Management Webinar: The Volunteer Protection Act
Free webinar sponsored by the Nonprofit Risk Management Center (90 minutes).
Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Time: 1:00 p.m. Central

YouTube for Nonprofits
Free webinar presented by see3 communications on getting the most out of your online videos (60 minutes).
Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Time: 1:00 p.m. Eastern

Accounting For Change: Implementing FAS 117-1 For Endowment Fund Management and Addressing the Reporting and Auditing Challenges Facing 403(b) Plans
Free basic webinar by Clifton Gunderson LLP is aimed at US nonprofits (60 minutes).
Date: Thursday, October 8, 2009 (two sessions)
Time: 10:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m. Central

Gear Up for Giving: Recruiting, Fundraising and Running Effective Campaigns on Causes
Free webinar with Sarah Koch, Causes Nonprofit Coordinator, with best practices, tips, and success stories about how to get more people to join your cause and use those supporters to run effective fundraising campaigns (60 minutes).
Date: Thursday, October 8, 2009
Time: 1:00 p.m. Eastern

Get to Know Your Online Activists
Free webinar uses the case study of the NY League of Conservation Voters to explore the value of building a relationship with your online activists (60 minutes).
Date: Thursday, October 8, 2009
Time: 1:00 p.m. Central

Welcome to Idealist’s social media tools
Free webinar introducing new social media features on, including blog, podcasts, discussion forums, video, Idealist Groups, and more (30 minutes).
Date: Monday, October 12, 2009
Time: 1:00 p.m. Eastern

Proposal Writing Basics
Free webinar teaches the basics of writing a proposal for your nonprofit organization (60 minutes).
Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Time: 2:00 p.m. Eastern

Strategies for Diversifying Revenue Sources
Free webcast workshop, part of a series presented by Talisman Associates  and National Safe Place, will share best practices on how to expand your fundraising using the human and financial resource you have (60 minutes).
Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Time: 2:00 p.m. Eastern

Best Practices for Recruiting Online
Free webinar covering the eight simple things you can do to help your opportunities stand out on  (60 minutes).
Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009
Time: 11:00 a.m. Pacific

Email Messaging: Best Practices for Reaching and Engaging your Audience
Free webinar with Eric Rardin from Care2, who takes you through simple techniques for composing compelling, engaging email messages with high open rates (60 minutes).
Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009
Time: 1:00 p.m. Central

Skilled Volunteers: How to Maximize their Potential
Free webinar for nonprofits just beginning to add skilled volunteers to their program, or thinking about doing so; hosted by (60 minutes).
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Time: 11:00 a.m. Pacific

“Missionize” Your Year-End Fundraising: Maximizing Your Organization’s Fundraising Potential this Holiday Season
Free introductory teleconference with Terry Axelrod, founder and CEO of Benevon®, which trains and coaches nonprofit organizations to implement a mission-based system for raising sustainable funding from individual donors.
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Time: 1:00 p.m. Eastern

Fundraising House Party Basics: From Planning to Asking
Free webinar with Andy Robinson, nonprofit consultant, explains how you can organize a fundraising house party event in one to six weeks (60 minutes).
Date: Thursday, October 22, 2009
Time: 1:00 p.m. Central

How Idealist supports individuals: job seekers, volunteers, prospective grad students, and service corps members
Free webinar introducing the the Nonprofit Human Resources Center, The Volunteer Manager Resource Center, and  Nonprofit FAQ at (30 minutes).
Date: Thursday, October 22, 2009
Time: 1:00 p.m. Eastern

Before You Seek a Grant: A Checklist for New Nonprofits
Free webinar will provide you with a step-by-step checklist approach to help increase your organization’s readiness for foundation fundraising (60 minutes).
Date: Thursday, October 22, 2009
Time: 3:00 p.m. Eastern

Annual Giving for Nonprofits
Free webcast workshop, part of a series presented by Talisman Associates  and National Safe Place, presents how to find, cultivate, solicit and upgrade your annual donors (60 minutes).
Date: Tuesday, October 27
Time: 2:00 p.m. Eastern

Grantseeking Basics
Free webinar provides an overview of the funding research process for those seeking grants from foundations, corporations, and grantmaking public charities (60 minutes).
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Time: 3:00 p.m. Eastern

How Idealist supports nonprofit professionals
Free webinar introducing several resource centers: (30 minutes).
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Time: 1:00 p.m. Eastern

Introduction to Fundraising Planning
Free webinar provides an overview of the process of strategically thinking through the components of a fundraising plan (60 minutes).
Date: Friday, October 30, 2009
Time: 1:00 p.m. Eastern

Please join us at Peace4 the Missing
Missing Persons Awareness and Support Network

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Give a Day. Get a Disney Day.

BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2010, when you sign up here to volunteer a day of service with a participating organization (and your service is completed and verified) you'll get one day admission to a Walt Disney World® or Disneyland® theme park, FREE! We want to inspire one million people to volunteer a day of service.

Please join us at Peace4 the Missing
Missing Persons Awareness and Support Network

Monday, October 5, 2009

When adults go missing

When adults go missing

Police search, but wouldn't be able to force them to return home.

This photo, taken at a York County convenience store in July, shows James Edwin Blymire Jr. Blymire has been missing since early July from his Red Lion home. Anyone with information may call police at 741-1259.
James Edwin Blymire Jr. went missing in early July, abruptly walking out of the home he shared with his brother in Red Lion following an argument, police said.

Barb Blymire, one of James Blymire's sisters, said her brother suffers from congenital brain damage and can easily be coerced into doing things.

"How's he getting food? I wonder if he's eating, or if he's even breathing," she said. James Blymire's siblings haven't seen him since he left his home, but his image has been captured by several York County convenience store surveillance cameras, according to York Area Regional Police.

York Area Regional Detective Don Hopple has logged numerous hours in his search for the 48-year-old Blymire, talking with family members, former roommates, and even the person who cut his hair. Twice, Hopple's been about a day behind Blymire, he said.

If Hopple finds Blymire, the most he can do is tell him that his family is worried about him and that he might want to give them a call.

"If he says, 'I don't want to go home,' then that's where it ends," Hopple said.

That's because despite any mental deficiencies Blymire may have, he is an adult and is therefore entitled to choose where and with whom he stays.

"We can't force somebody to make contact with their family if they've decided for reasons best known to them that they don't want to contact them," Northern York County Regional Deputy Chief Mark Bentzel said.

Todd Matthews, U.S. media director for the Doe Network,an international volunteer organization for unidentified and missing persons, said that as an adult, "You have a legal right to go missing (but) it's not morally right."

According to the FBI's National Crime Information Center, as of Aug. 31, there were nearly 100,000 missing persons, adults and children, in their record; 551 of them are missing from Pennsylvania.
In the past few months, there have been several missing adults on whom police issued news releases; mental illness, drug abuse, or a combination of both appeared to have played a role in all of the disappearances. All have returned home, except for Blymire.
Voluntary vanishing
According to Bentzel, "The first thing you have to do is evaluate if there's any threat or harm or risk to the person, either by their own hand or someone else's."

If the suspected reason a person is missing falls into one of several criteria, then they are entered into the NCIC, Bentzel said.

The criteria include if they are a harm to themselves or a harm to others; if they have a disability -- physical or mental; if they have had an involuntary disappearance; if they are endangered -- physical safety, illness, medication; or a catastrophe has occurred. A person over 18 not meeting the other criteria, but whose safety is a concern, also would be entered into the NCIC.

And even though the missing person may be an adult and can choose to go missing, police still put forth an effort to find them, York City Police Commissioner Mark Whitman said.

"First of all, anytime a missing person is reported, it's nothing that can be taken lightly," he said. "There's quite a bit to it. It's not, let me take a report and see what happens. Once you start that report, then it gets into a regular investigation. It's not something that you're going to blow off."

Police have a number of techniques at their disposal to locate missing persons, most of which they do not want to disclose.

"Each set of circumstances is going to dictate the method and what you're going to need to do," Whitman said.
Still searching
Hopple started his search for James Blymire with the missing man's family, getting a feel for who he was looking for. They gave him a photo, taken about a year before, but it was inaccurate -- the 6 feet, 2 inch Blymire was now rail-thin at about 150 pounds, when a year before, he had weighed about 100 pounds more.

Knowing what convenience stores Blymire frequented, Hopple was able to get surveillance tapes from the stores and soon found footage of Blymire.

He soon discovered another difference in Blymire's appearance: his bushy salt-and-pepper hair was now close-cropped. Hopple was able to determine it happened between July 3 and 4, soon after Blymire had left his home.

In addition, Hopple found out Blymire stopped using a bank card to an account he shared with one of his sisters on July 18. Without the use of the card, it is difficult to track Blymire, Hopple said.

Blymire's family thought he may have been kidnapped by a group of people living in York, but the footage showed Blymire "at different dates and times coming and going under his own power," he said.

Hopple interviewed a number of York residents -- including some that had seen him on Aug. 18. From that point, though, the trail has gone cold, with no sightings of Blymire, Hopple said.
Barb Blymire knows this, but said recently, "I've just got to keep thinking positive and moving forward."; 771-2033.


James Edwin Blymire Jr., 48, was reported missing July 9, according to York Area Regional Police. He was last seen at his residence on July 2.

He is described as a white male, 6-feet, 2-inches tall, about 150 pounds (he has lost a lot of weight) and has a tattoo of "Jim" on his left arm.

Anyone with information may call police at 741-1259.


  • Tina Hunter of York said husband Donald Hunter, who has bipolar disorder, went missing in late August.

  • "He left his wallet, his keys -- just walked out of the house," she said.

    On Sept. 16, Donald Hunter contacted his brother in Harrisburg, ending his disappearance, Tina Hunter said.

  • A Dover area man was reported missing Sept. 14 in Adams County but was found five days later, according to Pennsylvania State Police in Gettysburg.

  • Jeffrey Glen Thomas, 51, had been last seen leaving a home in the first block of Barts Church Road in Union Township. Police did not provide information on why he left.

  • A Manchester man was reported missing in July by his wife. She described him as a recovering drug addict, who had endured several relapses during his addiction, and feared he might have experienced another.

  • He returned home less than week later. He declined to be interviewed for this story.


  • Ray Frank Gricar, 63, is white, 6 feet, 170 pounds, green eyes, brown and gray hair. For almost 20 years, Gricar served as the District Attorney for Center County. On April 16, 2005, Gricar's red and white Mini Cooper was found in a parking lot in Lewisburg, near the Susquehanna River, but Gricar was not found. Gricar may also use the names "Ray Lange" or "Ray Gray." He was last seen wearing a blue fleece jacket, jeans, and tennis shoes.

  • Jason Knapp, who at one time lived in York County, has been missing since April 12, 1998. The then-20-year-old Clemson University sophomore's car was found shortly after his disappearance at Table Rock State Park in Pickens County, S.C., which is about 30 miles from the school.


    How can people improve the chances that their loved one will be found? Law enforcement agencies need as much information as possible when trying to solve cases.

  • Contact information for the missing person's dentist so dental records can be obtained.

  • Fingerprints (Did the missing person ever get a background check with fingerprints?).

  • DNA samples. For example: a personal item that will provide DNA (hairbrush, toothbrush, etc.) or DNA samples from family members that can be submitted for DNA analysis.

  • Good, clear photos of the missing person.

  • Source:, the Web site for the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System.

  • Tuesday, September 29, 2009

    Christian Slater's Reflections on ABC's The Forgotten

    Spend 5 minutes with the forgotten’s Christian Slater

    christian slater
    Jerry Bruckheimer’s latest procedural drama is ABC’s gritty new series the forgotten.  Starring Christian Slater as the head of a group of civilians who try to solve missing person’s cases, the show deals with a different story of the week – think Cold Case mixed with Without a Trace, with a lot of personal drama baked in.

    I had a chance to spend a few minutes chatting with Christian Slater about the show, what drew him to it, and why he thinks people should spend some time checking it out!

    I’m very interested in what drew you to this particular character?
    Well, there were many elements, but I like the character a lot.  Alex Donovan, a former Chicago police detective.  He’s a real human being.  I think he’s a bit of a gritty character.  His daughter was kidnapped 2 years ago when she was 8 years old, and that kind of sent him over the edge. As a result of that, his former partner starts to give him these John and Jane Doe cases to work on and investigate and fill the void that he has within himself.  What he discovers along the way is that he has the opportunity to give closure to some other people.  Closure that he hasn’t been able to get himself yet.

    As the episodes go along, will we get more of a history of the characters, see their back story?
    Oh yeah!  Absolutely – as the stories unfold, what’s great, for me, this really isn’t a “me” show, it’s a “we” show.  It’s really a team of people.  Alex doesn’t put this team together.  It’s comprised of a telephone repairman, a high school teacher, a former medical student, and an office worker.  They’re regular people like you and me, who have lives themselves, and jobs that they have to go to.  As the show unfolds, we begin to discover why they’re doing what it is that they’re doing as well.

    In a few words, what’s the description of the show you’ve been giving people?
    The quickest way, I think it’s about humans being willing to help other humans.  That’s the quickest way.  That’s the shortest possible answer I could give.  It really is about humanity.  We’re not cops.  We run up against brick walls all the time.  We don’t always bump into the nicest people, or the most willing people.  It’s a show about America, about willingness, about human nature, and about moral character.

    Is there a chance as the series goes, that the case won’t always be solved, or is there an understood idea that the team will be successful each week?
    The hope of course is that we are successful.  I don’t necessarily know if that will be the case.  I think that’ll come down to the writers.  Really, if you look at it, the truth of the matter is that Alex Donovan hasn’t been successful.  He hasn’t been able to find his own daughter.  He’s already coming from a point of feeling unfulfilled in that regard, doing what he can to fill the void within himself in some possible way.  It’s not like all the answers are nicely wrapped up into a tight little bow every week, and it certainly hasn’t been for Alex, and that’s why he kind of went over the edge for a little while.

    Tonight’s episode deals with a missing fiancee, and the only thing to go off of is an engagement ring.  Talk a little bit more about that!
    A lot of the things I talked about, we definitely hit some brick walls in this episode.  Walter’s character makes some efforts, and they don’t go exactly the way he would like them to go.  But he’s a persistent guy, he doesn’t give up.  I can tell you that Lindsay gets into some serious trouble, and needs to get bailed out.

    For All Family Members and Friends of Missing Persons

    Therapeutic Support for Families of the Missing
    Tonight on BlogTalkRadio with Duanne Bowers, LPC 

    Time: September 29, 2009 from 9pm to 10pm EST
    Location: Your Computer/Online
    Website or Map:
    Phone: Call-in Number: (646) 478-0982

    Tonight's Online Interactive Radio Show with Kim Kolton and Dennis Griffin will be featuring special guest, Duane T. Bowers.  Duane is a Traumatic Loss Therapist and Educator in private practice, and author of Guiding Your Family Through Loss and Grief, and A Child is Missing: Providing Support for Families of Missing Children.  As a therapist Duane's specialty is working with survivors of traumatic death and suicide, which includes assisting families who must identify loved ones at the DC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, through the Wendt Center for Loss and Healing. He also provides support to families of abducted, missing, exploited and murdered children through the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). Duane serves as a training consultant to NCMEC, and is deployed by them to provide crisis intervention at Amber Alert sites with Team Adam. He also serves as a consultant and trainer for Team HOPE, a telephone support line for parents of missing children, and has provided services to AMECO (Association of Missing and Exploited Children Organizations).

    Friday, September 25, 2009

    Five States Represented in Saturdays Missing Person Search for Mary Denise Lands

    Missing Person Search for Mary Denise Lands in Marshall, MI on Saturday, September 26th


    K-9 One Search and Rescue

    Kent County Search and Rescue

    Peace4 The Missing

    Team Hope

    (Search Organization Organizer/Leader)

    Sheridan Township Fire Department (Command Center)

    Marshall Moose Lodge (meeting location for Marshall)

    The Hampton Inn in Marshall (Rooms for search personnel)

    Families who have their own missing loved one

    Many local area volunteers and media organizations


    Indiana K9 Search and Recovery


    David Lohr, Investigation Discovery


    Karren Kraemer The Broken Wings Network

    New York:

    The Doe Network

    David Lohr of Investigation Discovery to Join Search for Mary Denise Lands

    David Lohr to Join Search for Mary Denise Lands

    September 22, 2009

    David LohrDavid Lohr will be joining several search and recovery groups, including Track Missing and Destiny Search Services, in Marshall, Michigan this coming weekend to help search for Mary Denise Lands.

    Mary is a 39-year-old resident of Marshall who mysteriously disappeared on March 12, 2004.

    The organized search will be held on Sept. 26, 2009. For more information, please visit:

    Related Link:
    The mysterious disappearance of Mary Denise Lands

    Please join us at Peace4 the Missing
    Missing Persons Awareness and Support Network

    Wednesday, September 9, 2009

    Volunteer Your Time for the Sept. 26th Mary Lands Search in Albion/Marshall, MI

    TrackMissing conducted a 3rd search for Mary Lands on Labor Day Weekend, 2009 that lasted more than 17 hours in the Albion and Marshall areas. Search efforts included dogs, handlers and spotters from Indiana K9 Search and Recovery based in Indianapolis, IN. Personnel from TrackMissing, Peace4 the Missing and Mary Lands Father, Clifford Marshall were also involved in the search efforts.

    We will now be conducting thorough grid searches of some areas discovered then during the upcoming scheduled search on Sept. 26, 2009. Our hopes of finding information that will lead to recovering the remains of Mary are now at an all time high.

    Mary's Parents and I are very grateful to Indiana K9 Search and Recovery for spending their Holiday weekend searching for Mary Lands and we look forward to working with them, as well as many as 8 additional cadaver dogs and handlers from Indiana on the 26th. It is very likely that additional dogs and handlers from different organizations will be joining this large search effort.

    As a result of the Labor Day weekend search efforts we need to reach out to search professionals and the public to contact us at to volunteer your time for the Sept. 26th search. This search may likely be the best chance ever to locate Mary's remains and we do need peoples help if that is going to happen.

    In conclusion, all of this weekends search personnel are VERY much looking forward to the 26th and hopefully answering the ultimate questions.....where is Mary? We also want to thank Marshall Police for their continued support of our search efforts and their help over the weekend. Sgt. McDonald has done a great job since taking over the case and he is thanked very much by many people. 

    Anyone with information on Mary's whereabouts is asked to contact one of the proper people involved in her case. The time for fear has long passed and the time to come forward is now.

    Chad Scott

    Thursday, September 3, 2009

    Her girls thought Jaycee was their sister

    Girls Find Out Jaycee Dugard Is Really Their Mom

    Originally posted Tuesday September 01, 2009 04:10 PM EDT

    Jaycee Dugard (before her abduction) and Phillip GarridoPhoto by: Nick Ut / AP; El Dorado County Sheriffs Office / Reuters / AP
    Girls Find Out Jaycee Dugard Is Really Their Mom
    It would seem like more than two girls could bear: The man they called "daddy" turns out to be a registered sex offender thrown in jail, and now they've been told the woman they thought was their big sister is really their mother. 

    This is what Angel, 11, and Starlit, 15, have faced since the 
    arrest last week of Phillip Garrido, charged with the 1991 abduction of Jaycee Dugard, now 29. 

    "They thought Jaycee was their sister," Dugard's stepfather, Carl Probyn, tells PEOPLE. "People have to realize this will take years of therapy." 

    Still, there have been encouraging signs the healing has begun. Dugard's reunion with her mother, Terry Probyn, has been "the happiest time of her life, and they are bonding," says Carl, who split with his wife amid the stress of his stepdaughter's kidnapping (Carl was briefly treated as a suspect, then cleared). 

    Carl Probyn says what the girls and Jaycee need now is to avoid the media. To that end, they're not only turning down interviews and TV shows, he says, but they're not returning with Terry to Riverside, Calif., because the family doesn't want the girls to be seen by paparazzi. 

    The family members were in a Concord hotel for a few days, but checked out when paparazzi went looking for them, and they are now in an undisclosed house that's under guard by the FBI, Carl tells PEOPLE. 

    He says it's unclear what the family's costs will be over the next few years. Jaycee hasn't been to school since she was 11, and her daughters have never been to school. They also need lots of counseling. The cost of all this, he says, is anyone's guess. 

    "This has never happened in history – for someone to be recovered 18 years after an abduction," says Carl Probyn. 

    In response to offers of assistance, two trust funds for the girls have been set up at a 
    financial services company where Jaycee's grandmother worked. 

    Missing Persons Awareness & Support

    Sunday, August 30, 2009

    Advocating Prostitution Alternatives

    For the past several months, Beyondmedia has been collaborating with PART (Prostitution Alternatives Round Table), a program of the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, on a media workshop with survivors of prostitution. The women have developed media and activism skills, and have produced a video called Turning A Corner that they can use in their efforts to reduce stigma and raise awareness of the systemic causes of prostitution to advocate for change. 

    Are You Teaching Your Child How To Be Violent?

    It makes sense (and studies prove) that the more violent or aggressive behavior kids see, the more normal it becomes. With all the gore that fills the TV screen, violence can become an acceptable way to settle conflicts. Studies show that repeated exposure can lead to harmful acts and bullying. And they also show that kids become less empathetic to victims of violence. Kids younger than 7 are particularly vulnerable, since they don't easily distinguish fantasy from reality. They're also in the process of separating from their parents; that budding independence can bring normal insecurities and anxieties. When a child sees another child harmed on television, the impact is huge psychologically. So it's not surprising that the younger kids are, the longer lasting the effects of TV violence can be, including nightmares and increased worry that the world is a dangerous place.

    The Family Media Agreement is a checklist that parents can use to have conversations with their children about media use and to establish guidelines that are right for their family. Some families are comfortable using it as a signed agreement. Others prefer to use it simply as a checklist to guide conversations. 

    Impact of Media Violence Tips

    Why media violence matters

    The facts: Kids' TV shows are really violent

    • Kids' TV shows have twice as many violent incidents as other shows
    • 94% of T-rated games contain violence
    • Teens who watch more than 1 hour of TV per day are 4 times more likely than other teens to commit aggressive acts as adults
    • Reducing TV and video game use to less than 1 hour per day decreased physical aggression by 40% in a study of 3rd- and 4th-graders

    Saturday, August 29, 2009

    Neighborhood Crime Watch Group Successfully Networks Online

    Boston Crime Prevention Volunteers Unite via New Online Social Network

    The Allendale Street Neighborhood Crime Watch group. The officer on the left is Sgt. Eric Krause, and on the right is Lt. Michael Kern, both from E-13 District.


    What a tangled web we've woven! The Internet has become something of a cyber smorgasbord with seemingly unlimited options for people to connect with others who share similar interests. Selections include Facebook, MySpace, Blogster, and Xanga, as well as search engines such as Google and Yahoo, which allow members to exchange photos, chat, and participate on discussion boards. Most sites allow special interest groups to create forums in which members can conduct business meetings online. Unfortunately, as these networks expand and multiply independently, group members often have difficulty finding and uniting fellow participants in one location. As a result, many organizations, such as the Boston Police Department (BPD) Neighborhood Crime Watch Unit, are developing their own private, centralized networks.

    This past April, the BPD launched a pilot program called the E-13/Jamaica Plain Neighbors Network. This online network will provide residents of Boston 's Jamaica Plain neighborhood with organizational and communication tools, allowing them to learn about and take advantage of police, city, and community resources in order to combat crime. While the network is still in the evaluation phase, Jamaica Plain law enforcement officials are enthusiastic: “This is a powerful community policing outreach and engagement tool,” said Captain Christine Michalosky, Boston Police Commander of District 13. “We are excited about increasing communication and participation between the police and community in a fun and casual manner.” After testing is completed, the BPD plans to begin efforts to expand the network and integrate other neighborhoods within greater Boston.

    When Problem Leads to Opportunity

    Established in 1985, the Boston Neighborhood Crime Watch Program now comprises nearly 700 active groups, and program leaders have trained more than 100,000 citizens. The program had enjoyed slow and steady “block-by-block” growth for nearly two decades when a unique opportunity presented itself in 2006. That year, the residents of historic Charlestown, the second-oldest neighborhood in Boston and home to approximately 15,000 people, expressed interest in organizing the entire neighborhood into a community crime watch network. The BPD Neighborhood Crime Watch Unit responded by working with Charlestown resident volunteers and A-1 District police to organize what became known as the Coalition Organizing Model. Coalition participants provided crime prevention training to more than 500 residents and held rallies to generate interest in Neighborhood Crime Watch, which led to the creation of some 50 new Charlestown watch groups. These efforts resulted in a 16 percent overall reduction in crime in the Charlestown community.

    As the Boston Neighborhood Crime Watch Program mushroomed and criminal activity decreased, the Police Department realized it was facing a new challenge—how to maintain the momentum needed to expand further and provide current watch volunteers with the crime prevention tools they needed to succeed with a staff of only three BPD employees. Past experience had shown that, over time, crime prevention groups disintegrate as members move away, priories shift, and leadership changes. Also, in large communities such as Boston, intergroup communication and collaboration are typically rare. Crime watch groups usually work independently, in isolation from neighboring groups, community service offices, and law enforcement, and members often do not know each other or have the means to share vital information.

    In order to strengthen the Neighborhood Crime Watch Program and ensure its continued success, the BPD determined that program members required access to a centralized source for crime prevention tools, maps, and news. Furthermore, they needed a forum in which to interact with members of other watch groups and community leaders. To development this ambitious product, the BPD researched within the Boston Neighborhood Crime Watch community and found the answer from a seasoned volunteer with network design experience.

    Commitment and Expertise

    “When the police department called in February of 2006 to tell me that they had a job opening, I jumped at the chance,” said Neighborhoods Network Project Director Joseph Porcelli. With a degree in business administration and experience as a senior associate of a technology consulting firm, Porcelli, a civilian, had the technical skills the BPD needed to design and build an online network that would link the city's Neighborhood Crime Watch groups. Moreover, he brought to the department unwavering passion and commitment to community improvement. Once described on “New Morning,” a popular show on the Hallmark Channel (which featured him because he wore a nametag every day in 2007 to encourage people to meet their neighbors), as a “professional neighbor,” Porcelli is the director of Neighbors for Neighbors, a private web-based social network he founded in 2004 when violence hit a little too close to his Jamaica Plain neighborhood home. “I learned that two of my neighbors had been violently assaulted and mugged,” he said. “I took action, and with the help of the Boston Police Department, connected, informed, and empowered my neighbors.”

    Porcelli first set out to educate residents by alerting them about the recent violence and passing out crime prevention literature at a neighborhood train stop. In response to requests generated from this effort, he organized a Neighborhood Crime Watch meeting for his street, which welcomed an unprecedented 60 attendees. Inspired by the high turnout, Porcelli, together with friends and neighbors, organized the first of several Jamaica Plain neighborhood socials. Soon, Neighbors for Neighbors was born. True to its motto—“Socialize. Organize. Make a difference”—the organization has to date brought together more than 4,000 Jamaica Plain residents, and volunteers have organized 72 social groups and community and partner projects. Recent milestones include recognition as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization in 2007 and the formal launch of the online Neighbors for Neighbors Jamaica Plain Organizing Network this past March. *

    The Master Plan

    After he joined the BPD, Porcelli collaborated with fellow members of the Neighborhood Crime Watch Unit team to design a network that incorporated law enforcement and crime prevention functions with social features of his previous project while supporting and sustaining the tremendous momentum generated by the Coalition Organizing Model. The goal of this network was clear-cut: to build community and reduce crime by connecting neighbors to each other and to community and police resources.

    The resulting E-13 Jamaica Plain Neighbors Network comprises 11 “cluster groups” of streets representing the sections of neighborhoods within the E-13 Jamaica Plain District. In addition, streets groups have been set up for those groups that have indicated they would like a street-level group. Over the next couple of months, street groups will be created as new Neighborhood Crime Watch groups come online and existing groups join the network.

    A screen shot of the Neighborhood Crime Watch group maps featured on the Neighbors Network homepage.

    Neighbors Network: The Bells and Whistles

    Porcelli built the Jamaica Plain Neighbors Network using Ning, a platform that allows developers to combine and customize features such as video, weblogs (“blogs”), forums within the cluster and street groups, photographs, and event calendars. “The message we consistently hear from the Neighborhood Crime Watch leaders and members across the city is that they want tools to help them meet and engage their neighbors,” Porcelli said. “ The Neighbors Network builds on a cornerstone Watch concept—neighbor interaction.” Like other social networks, the Neighbors Network allows members to email each other, create and customize personal pages, make friends with fellow members, and create blogs with content ranging from diaries to community notices. Current posts include an announcement regarding volunteer opportunities at an upcoming National Night Out event and a blog from the District 13 police unit regarding expansion of its bicycle policing activities.

    The social network also serves as a centralized organizational and communication tool. Cluster groups provide members with a discussion board and administrators with the ability to manage group membership. Street group boards incorporate similar features and may be accessed only by their members. The Ning platform enables users to embed videos, photographs, and pod casts from outside media sources such as the Citizen Observer and BPD News . Members also can embed network widgets (“promotion boxes”) on their personal pages and other social networks to which they may belong.

    Law enforcement personnel and city government officials also will benefit from the network. Network administrators from the BPD Neighborhood Crime Watch Unit, E-13 Police personnel, and the mayor's neighborhood coordinator will be able to email all network members, post to the network blog, and participate in cluster and street groups in order to send crime alerts, communicate trends and statistics, and promote police-sponsored events and training. “The system will allow community service officers and the Boston Police Department to easily communicate with the entire network,” explained Porcelli. “For example, they can send a message saying ‘We're seeing an increase in car vandalism in the XYZ area; therefore, please encourage your residents to remove their valuables and lock their cars.'”

    Ironing Out the Wrinkles

    Identifying user needs and customizing the platform to meet these needs proved to be the greatest challenge to designing the network structure. “Since this had not been done before, we had to figure out how to marry the functionality to our needs—which we've been discovering as we proceed,” Porcelli said.

    Another challenge involved convincing groups already using other networks such as Yahoo and Google to switch to the new system. Porcelli noted that almost all have agreed to make the switch after having been made aware of the benefits of a central neighborhood network. “We found that we needed to shift member focus from their street to their neighborhood. The Neighbors Network makes it easier for neighbors to find and join their group online, and it gives leaders access to each other and neighboring groups, which makes collaboration possible,” he explained.

    Spreading the Word

    Although launch of the Neighbors Network was just announced in April, 420 new members have already joined. To further boost membership, the Neighborhood Crime Watch Unit has planned a campaign to publicize the network by posting flyers in every building in Jamaica Plain, providing information during Neighborhood Crime Watch group and homeowners association meetings, hosting network “how-to” classes, and encouraging members to invite their neighbors to join.

    System evaluation is anticipated to continue through June. At some point, after any necessary adjustments are made, the BPD hopes to expand the network concept citywide. “We've got 11 districts; therefore, we need to do 10 more networks,” Porcelli said. “We hope to provide a large portion of the Boston community with education and crime prevention tools within a year's time.”

    Early response from network members has been overwhelmingly positive. “Based on the initial feedback we have received, we think we've hit a home run,” Porcelli said. “Members of the network have made comments such as ‘This is a wonderful tool' and ‘Makes crime watch fun.'” The convenience of 24-hour network access is attracting many new members; in fact, more than half of all those signed up to participate had never taken part in neighborhood crime prevention prior to the launch of the Neighbors Network.

    “We like to say that the Neighbors Network ‘builds community while you sleep.' The pubic can access it and join neighborhood and street groups at a time convenient to them,” Porcelli noted. “It's like an investment that earns interest, except the interest is not money but social capital.”

    Joseph Porcelli with Jenny ("Big Momma") P hoto credit: Margaux Joffe/Faces of JP


    Links (homepage of the new Jamaica Plain Neighbors Network) (official website of the city of Boston) (Suffolk County Sheriff's Department) (Boston Police Department) (Boston Police Department news) (Boston Neighborhood Crime Watch Program) (Jamaica Plain neighborhood website) (Porcelli's website, where he share his reflections on making a difference) (homepage for Ning, Inc., founders of the Ning platform)

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    An Online Network for Missing Persons and Targets of Abuse