Time: October 27, 2009 from 7pm to 10pm
Location: Mott Auditorium at Olivet College
Street: Mott Auditorium at Olivet College
City/Town: Olivet, MI
Website or Map: http://www.trackmissing.org
Phone: 517-554-1659
Event Type: concert
Organized By: Chad Scott of TrackMissing
Latest Activity: 10 minutes ago
Event Description
The Squeaky Wheel Tour will be coming to Mott Auditorium at Olivet College on October 27, 2009 starting at 7:00 PM.
The SWT is a National Missing Person Concert Tour conducted by Jannel Rapp and Clemstreet of Gina for the Missing www.411gina.org out of California. This is the first time this tour will be coming to Michigan. http://www.411gina.org/squeakywheeltour.htm
This year the SWT will have a full camera crew traveling with them to film for a TV show that will air on TLC. The crew will also be filming interviews with families of the missing. The Michigan concert will also be streamed live over the Internet.
This is one of the biggest opportunities that Michigan families with a missing loved one have ever had to bring awareness to their missing family member. We are asking that any Michigan family who would like to have their missing family member featured at the concert and on the show contact us. If any Law Enforcement or media know of a missing person case that needs this attention please contact us.
The volunteers of TrackMissing have put a great deal of time and effort into making this event happen. TM volunteers will be responsible to make sure all arrangements and everything needed for the concert are in place. We will also be responsible for obtaining several bands/singers from Michigan to perform at the concert. As of now TM's 13 year old volunteer country singer, Tiffani Jones from Marshall, MI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOpS20YFlDk will be opening the concert. She will be performing the song that is being written, composed and produced by award winning producer Danny Borgers from Nashville, TN (son of Missing Woman Ida Richardson-Anderson 1958 from Ann Arbor, MI). This song will be a first of its kind focusing on a families fight to find their missing loved ones.
We are also working with the Marshall area Jaycees to conduct a "karaoke contest" of area singing talent. The winner of the contest will get to sing a song at the concert.
Mario Aleman "DJ Mario" from Marshall will be the M.C.
The focus of this concert is to bring awareness to missing people. Mott seats 387 people and tickets will be available for $10.00 at the beginning of September (free tickets will provided to family members who have a missing loved one and would like to be at the concert). Proceeds from the concert will go to TrackMissing to help fund future awareness and search efforts. We will be seeking sponsors for the concert to help offset our costs to bring this huge event to Michigan. Full sponsorship will be $4000.00 and partial will be $1000.00.
We would like to ask your outlet to let people know this event is set and is coming to Michigan. We need to have the families who can benefit from this become aware of this opportunity and contact us sooner rather than later. We will also be doing major updates to our website over the weekend o get all of the information and what is needed for the concert as well as the search for Mary Lands on September 26, 2009. An overwhelming amount of request for our services over the last couple of weeks have caused a delay in that information being posted sooner. On the other hand 2 missing person cases we were helping with resulted in safe recoveries in a 5 day span.
Jannel Rapp (Gina for the Missing) 877-411-4462
Chad Scott (TrackMissing) 517-554-1659
Danny Borgers 615-500-6420
Diane Jones (Tiffani's mom) 517-392-1398
Angel (Marshall Jaycees) 269-274-2562
Chad Scott
Missing Persons Awareness and Support Network
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