Attention: Families of the Missing ----
By Todd MatthewsTakeaways
Do not let technology present a challenge
A fully interactive system capable of generating possible matches
Help us to validate the data listed for your loved one
If you have a missing loved one, please take the time to go to NamUs MP site at ---- check to see if your loved one is listed. If so -- help us to validate the data listed for your loved one.If your loved one is NOT listed -- you can sign up as a public user and begin the listing process. OR -- contact the investigator in charge and ask they they get your case listed with NamUs.Do not let technology present a challenge, do your best and know that help is available. Many questions are answered in the FAQ area.The NamUs System of Missing & Unidentified Persons gains strength daily as it continues to evolve into a fully interactive system capable of generating possible matches and other investigative information.With your help, we can increase the number of missing persons cases solved each year providing closure for families and law enforcement officials nationwide.Watch a 6-minute video: NamUs Behind the Scenes: How It Works, Why It MattersMore resources

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