Friday, December 5, 2008


Inspired by our unfailingly Supportive and Encouraging Peace4 Member Dee, in Honor of her Missing Daughter, April Wiss...

WHAT:  Matches (2 Members Randomly Paired Together) Made at Peace4 to Encourage and Support One Another during the Holiday Season.

WHY:  To Encourage and Further Utilize the Peaceful Effects that our Supportive and Encouraging Interactions can Provide for Each Other.

HOW:  Just Leave a Comment Here (saying YES) if You'd Like to Participate, we'll put the names through a randomly match them up Program and then Post and Email the Results Out to those Participating, After that, it's really as much as you and your Peace4 Match Encourager put into it and decide how to support each creative, have fun, be blessed...

WHEN:  Sign-up Deadline is Tuesday, December 9, the Peace4 April Tree Matches will be Posted/Sent by the Following Day...

What if I won't be around much during the time period?
Doesn't matter, needn't be some great duty/task, the point is mainly to connect more with one another and especially keep a particular member (Your Peace4 April Tree Match) in your thoughts and/or prayers.

Feel free to make suggestions on online gifts also. We're going to need all the help me can get.

Please give this a go! It would really be worth it to make this work!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

* Peace4 APRIL TREE Gifts might include:
- anonymous encouraging comments/emails to the person.
- sending virtual cards or flowers
- making a donation to charity in the persons name
- writing a blog review/link/poem etc about them/their blog/missing person for them
- physical gifts are okay ... but, obviously only if you and your April Tree Encourager agree to do so, exchange physical addresses, etc.

* Be Creative - The presents/ways to support encourage your Peace4 Match are limited only by your imagination. Be as creative as you like.