Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Journey to Peace with PTSD

I nearly accidentally stumbled upon this radio show segment and cannot begin to express how meaningful the words I heard have become to me. PTSD, is a very real thing to the loved ones of the missing and targets of abuse, not an incredible amount of people really understand what it's like to live a life with PTSD. (PTSD = Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

So anyway, PLEASE check it out...I hope your hearts will be touched with healing from what you hear...mind was... ;)

Excellent Interview with Lady Cerelli, author of My Journey to Peace with PTSD. Insightful look into Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as well as effective treatment methods.

"Peace with PTSD" was founded by Lady Spirit Moon Cerelli, Author, Speaker and Workshop Presenter, to assist those with PTSD, and other stress-related behavior disorders, find a comfortable place to inquire about the information available on PTSD. Diagnosis of PTSD begins with a medical history and physical exam, based on a person's symptoms. We create funds for "Peace with PTSD" by selling educational materials and providing lectures and workshops.

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